Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Here's a link to a animation video that was developed for the course I just completed.

Thought I'd throw it out there.

New Beginnings

For the past couple of years I've been using this blog to upload images and videos of work that I've done.

And for the past couple of days I have been thinking to myself that I should expand on that. Not only should I write and show my stuff, I should write and show other people's stuff.

Art. Graphics. Film. Animation. Geek stuff.

Quite frankly anything that amazes me, inspires me and makes me smile. Or you (That is if anyone gets in contact).

So here's to new beginnings.

Monday, 8 September 2014

A Good Year.

It was a long year but I can say that I have officially passed my Masters degree at Trinity College in Dublin.

With it over, I'll be resuming my regular posts of artwork and projects. I'll probably overhaul the design of the blog soon with a possibility of an official website, may aswell make use of these HTML5 and CSS3 skills I now have.

For now, I'll post some of the work I did over the last year, I did post some previously but there is fair amount more.

All of this work was for a group project aptly named TZD, which revolved around a Zombie Apocalypse on the Trinity College campus. The site should be live soon so I'll add a URL soon.