Saturday, 26 October 2013


Quick update of my POV-Ray experiments, which will now be submitted as the assignment for that module, hope it does well.

Monday, 14 October 2013

A Wet Beginning.

So my first post from the University Campus at Trinity College. Exciting! Or not. So today I shall now show you a marvellous and spectacular sight. Wait for it...

POV-Ray! For those that have no clue, which will probably be a few. It's a 3D graphics piece of software that uses coding to build a scene. I've been experimenting with it the past couple of weeks and I'm about to show off my effects.

As you may have keenly noticed I've been practising by making water.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Three Dimensional!

Well I am once again using 3D Studio Max again. And with this opportunity I've been able to render off some images of one of my old projects when I was doing the Bachelors. Unfortunately all my other work was either corrupted or quite frankly isn't very good. Thankfully I was proud of this piece so I shall show it off.

As you can see it's a tank. Can't remember what sort of tank. Ah well.