Quick update of my POV-Ray experiments, which will now be submitted as the assignment for that module, hope it does well.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Monday, 14 October 2013
A Wet Beginning.
So my first post from the University Campus at Trinity College. Exciting! Or not. So today I shall now show you a marvellous and spectacular sight. Wait for it...
POV-Ray! For those that have no clue, which will probably be a few. It's a 3D graphics piece of software that uses coding to build a scene. I've been experimenting with it the past couple of weeks and I'm about to show off my effects.
POV-Ray! For those that have no clue, which will probably be a few. It's a 3D graphics piece of software that uses coding to build a scene. I've been experimenting with it the past couple of weeks and I'm about to show off my effects.
As you may have keenly noticed I've been practising by making water.
Saturday, 5 October 2013
Three Dimensional!
Well I am once again using 3D Studio Max again. And with this opportunity I've been able to render off some images of one of my old projects when I was doing the Bachelors. Unfortunately all my other work was either corrupted or quite frankly isn't very good. Thankfully I was proud of this piece so I shall show it off.
As you can see it's a tank. Can't remember what sort of tank. Ah well.
Friday, 27 September 2013
And then there was cake!
I lied. There's no cake.
Well thought I'd mess around with using font in my images and editing it using Filters, thought this came out pretty nicely and so here it is.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
No Picture! Oh. My....
Well there is a first for everything and this will be my first post without actually having any accompanying picture to go with it. But instead you will getting a brief update from me, myself and I.
So as some may have read in a previous post, I moved over to Belfast, Northern Ireland which is great but a few days ago the real reason I moved finally happened. I am now going to be situated in both Belfast and... wait for it... Dublin *shock* I know your amazed, right?
Anyhow I am in Dublin studying at Trinity College doing a Masters of Science in Interactive Digital Media. With this comes a massive workload but I shall endeavour to continue to update this site with either my free time work and possibly any work that I am or have worked on during my 1-year course.
And there we go. That's the story.
P.s. I won't forgot to post some accompanying picture next time. I hope. Maybe.
So as some may have read in a previous post, I moved over to Belfast, Northern Ireland which is great but a few days ago the real reason I moved finally happened. I am now going to be situated in both Belfast and... wait for it... Dublin *shock* I know your amazed, right?
Anyhow I am in Dublin studying at Trinity College doing a Masters of Science in Interactive Digital Media. With this comes a massive workload but I shall endeavour to continue to update this site with either my free time work and possibly any work that I am or have worked on during my 1-year course.
And there we go. That's the story.
P.s. I won't forgot to post some accompanying picture next time. I hope. Maybe.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Ahaaaaa! Savior of the Universe!
Well maybe I'm not up to Flash Gordon's caliber but I'm certainly trying. Today I have a couple of speed paintings I did over the weekend. Both done in Photoshop and for some reason or another they both revolved around the concept of large tails. Don't quite know the reason but when I get an idea in my head I stick with it.
Well maybe I'm not up to Flash Gordon's caliber but I'm certainly trying. Today I have a couple of speed paintings I did over the weekend. Both done in Photoshop and for some reason or another they both revolved around the concept of large tails. Don't quite know the reason but when I get an idea in my head I stick with it.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Let there be Colour!
It's been a long time coming, but I have some finished paintings *gasp*. I've been working on my painting for awhile now, I have a few larger pieces which are still ongoing but I have a collection of smaller pieces which I shall unveil to the world.
Both were completely done in Painter, from blank canvas to finished piece, after I read an article in ImagineFX.
Both were completely done in Painter, from blank canvas to finished piece, after I read an article in ImagineFX.
Well a great many things have happened over the past few weeks but no doubt the main point is that I have moved. From the town of Bury in the North West of England to the capital of Northern Ireland, Belfast.
This has recently stopped me doing quite a bit of my art but I am finally all set back up and ready to crack on.
This piece was finished just before my move, was a scan of a previous drawing which I then imported into Painter and used watercolour to add a little more character.
This has recently stopped me doing quite a bit of my art but I am finally all set back up and ready to crack on.
This piece was finished just before my move, was a scan of a previous drawing which I then imported into Painter and used watercolour to add a little more character.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Hot. Hot. Hot.
My word, this weather is almost unbearable. Well as you may have noticed I have been absent for awhile. Been here and there with Glastonbury being a big part of my time away. Anyway, here is a sketch based loosely on Monkey from the computer game Enslaved: Journey to the West.
Saturday, 15 June 2013
Femme Fatales.
Whilst browsing through my sketch pads, I've realised I haven't scanned quite a lot of sketches. And from them here are two female fantasy characters, both designed so as to impart the idea that they could seduce any man to do anything they want.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Wild. Part 2.
Unfortunately it wasn't sunny today. Real shame but thankfully the grey clouds didn't put me off from my drawing session in the garden. Continuing on from my previous post these drawings are all based on possible wild animals and creatures.
All were drawn on my larger A3 pad so my A4 scanner couldn't scan the whole image but I hope I managed to get the best possible scan.
Monday, 10 June 2013
Well it's been great weather recently so I've took my sketch pad outside and been drawing under the blazing sun. And here are my two favourites from today.
If this weather continues then I'll no doubt be spending more time in the garden with pencil and paper.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Just a couple of quick sketches that I did whilst watching some Television shows. First off we have a Thundercats sketch, the new show which unfortunately may not continue after its first season has some good quality designs without distorting the original 80s show.
And as for this one, I was watching Game of Thrones, or more accurately a scene with Daenerys Targaryen and her young dragons.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Dollface and Buttercup.
Meet our lovely two ladies. Well maybe not in a dark alleyway at night. These two were drawn using the strange idea about how would a mad scientist go about being locked up in his den being lonely but also requiring company. So here were the ideas, mannequins dressed up but boasting some lethal weaponry to defend their master from outsiders.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Extra Extra!
Similar to my Lich picture, this one was so large I had to scan both the top and bottom and merge together in Photoshop. Anyhow, this image is in essence how I think my brain would look if draw on paper. Enjoy!
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Time for something that I've never posted before. Some thumbnail sketches. For those that don't know thumbnails, they are basic silhouettes used to evolve ideas from simple ideas into unique ideas.
Thumbnails that went from Bird-man to Bird-creature.
Thumbnails for an Insect race.
Thumbnails for a Snake-man.
Two images for today, first up was an idle sketch with the idea of a hell beast. It then evolved into a beast with gigantic horns that are formed from the magma that comes out of its body.
Secondly, we have an idea for a aquatic and agile primitive that use bones to create helmets used for cultural events.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Continuing on from my last post, here is another creature though it differs from my last. This idea stemmed from South American history. In the picture the creature is a mummy that has been decorated as a mythical beast and cursed to forever guard the tomb it was placed in.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Itsy Bitsy Spider...
Well following on from a previous post about my adoration for Tomb Raider and how I wanted to create similar concepts based around a gritty, fantastical world of mystery and adventure. And so here is one of my first drawings, in keeping with the oriental approach in Tomb Raider I kept the design quite Asian influenced. The story behind this idea is that this guard pledged his allegiance to a spider-god and so began to morph into the creature we see and now torments lost adventurers who stumble upon the lair.
Monday, 27 May 2013
Well after a hiatus, I have begun scanning all of my work once again and in this instalment I have a pair of sisters. To be more exact a pair of opposing sisters, one representing Fire and the other Water.
I've also starting tutorials for digital painting so I should be able to overcome the problems I face when painting especially fine details. So I expect in the next couple of months to start putting up finished coloured images.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Well another recent piece of graphic design that I made for a local band named One Man Down. Jack who commissioned the piece asked for the inclusion of the female symbol. Thankfully the band liked it and is now their logo.
On another note will soon be able to upload my sketches again as my replacement scanner has arrived (I somehow managed to smash my old one).
Friday, 3 May 2013
Something Different
Well been awhile since my last post though this is mainly due to my PC being temporarily out of action due to renovation in my home. Anyway I thought I would use this blog to show off some of my graphic design work. The following is a logo designed for a summer school based in Scotland.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Double Trouble Part 2
And for today we have another of my A3 scans. This one I am particularly proud of, this is partly because of the design of the creatures. In the picture I designed a feral goblin battle with both hissing, grasping and clawing each other for supremacy.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Double Trouble
Well as my inactivity has begun to annoy I thought I'd attempt to scan some of my A3 drawings using my A4 scanner, some I even managed to pull off.
Here's the first one, a sketch of two tribal brothers, Right is the smart and commanding boss type whilst his brother Left is the fighter and tracker (using his tongue and nose).
Here's the first one, a sketch of two tribal brothers, Right is the smart and commanding boss type whilst his brother Left is the fighter and tracker (using his tongue and nose).
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Legen... Wait for it...
...dary! Found a couple of drawings I did around Christmas, both were drawn after reading about some mythology. First up is my rendition of Medusa, the gorgon who turned men who came to kill her into stone, normally most designs have her with a heap of snakes for hair. Instead I made her as if she was just turned into a snake herself. Secondly is a Merman, a few months back I drew another Merman head, this is similar but a full body drawing.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Boldly Go...
...where no man has gone before. A continuation of the space alien theme. In the last 3 I designed aliens in spacesuits, these 3 are more organic, with one based on a insect and another I quite liked the idea of a double handed alien.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Well only one sketch today, but following my ideas after playing Tomb Raider, I imagined a demonic shaman, so I attempted to give life to that and well here was the first attempt. No doubt I'll do other versions and I'll upload them the coming weeks.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
... the final frontier. As one Cpt. James T. Kirk would say. But who knows what is out there. So recently I gave myself the task of attempting to design some unique alien beings. Here are a few of the ones I like.
I'm still continuing with the whole alien concept but as I am playing Tomb Raider (which is epic by the way, please play it if your able) but I may move onto some ideas that popped into my head whilst playing.
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