Monday, 30 April 2012

And He Shall Rise

Probably my biggest sketch I've done in awhile, so big I had to scan it twice and (badly) edit it together. Hope you like him.

Skeleton Lich possessed by a demonic aura.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Some simple lineart...

Well as you may have guessed, here are some of my latest line works. Really should move onto full body sketching as I seem to have got into the habit of just drawing heads....

Four-ear Catman

Merman 1

Merman 2


Friday, 20 April 2012

' Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? '

Somehow managed to scan these A3 sketches using a A4 scanner... hooray for me. The following pictures are 2 faun interpretations and a rather tongue-tastic goblin.

Faun 1

Faun 2


One bad crowd..

Just one sketch for this post, these are some sketches that I drew when imagining some inmates in a high security prison that is in a reality where super-villians exist without any actual super human abilities.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

''In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing.''

Cannot explain but I like that quote from Van Gogh. Anyway here are a couple of sketches I had in mind when I was liking the APB concepts (All Point Bulletin by Realtime Worlds).

More sketches...

Various more pencil sketches.

Idea based upon a hybrid of wolf and bat

Subterranean creatures  

Insectoid creatures

Cannine based creatures blended with rock elements 


Ideas based upon beetles

Creatures based upon chameleons 

Creatures based on ocean creatures




Alien female

Alien female 2

Alien female 3

Alien male (connected with Alien female 3)

Well that's it. Probably my largest update but hope this shows off a variety of ideas that dwindle within my head. Will upload some human sketches later. 

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

And there shall be more...

A few more pencil sketches. Varying from orcs to wolfmen.

Mini Devils

Orcs and Goblins in helmets

More Orcs and Goblins in helmets

Civilised Goblins



Orcs in armor

Draconian creatures

Variation of Orcs

Most of these ideas aren't planned, I enjoy sketching any idea that may inspire me and that in turn generally gets me to experiment with the design.

Well hope you like them and I'll get some more scanned onto my computer.

Till then.

A week later...

Hey, well been a week since my last update and now I've managed to scan in some of my pencil drawings and you guessed it that's what I'll be uploading.

Creature based on squids and whales

Ocean inspired creatures

Lizard based creatures

Lizard based creatures with a one off dog inspired creature

Top : Crab based creatures Bottom : Jellyfish based creatures

Various ideas from lizards, sharks and monkeys

These are all based around drawing creatures, whether they be from Earth or beyond. Will try and get some more images uploaded tonight. Any feedback would be great, thanks.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Minuscule Update...

Just thought I'd post the piece I'm working on right this moment.

Is just a concept based on the use of colour, will be using blues/greens mainly for this alien world.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

And then there was...

... this blog. Well as recommended to me by others, it was time for me to be active in my pursuit of a future in the Film and Games Industry. Might take some time but small steps first, so from now on I'll be posting ideas, sketches and generally anything that pops out of my imagination. Anyway I'll get the ball rolling with some old unfinished artwork from my laptop...

Concept for a Banshee

A quick idea based upon a fallen Angel

A hybrid cat animal

Gladiatorial battle between our hero and a unknown fearsome creature  

Did these with my old Wacom Tablet, though got myself a Cintiq now along with Painter so should be progressing with my artwork.

Will post some of my creative writing soon. Any feedback would be welcome. Thanks for reading.